Buat penggemar-penggemar Defense of the Ancient atau commonly known as DotA, here's one good news for ya. Valve yang telah memberikan anda game seperti Counter-Strike dan Team Fortress telah hired komuniti yang modified game Warcraft 3 sehingga jadi game DotA yang anda main dengan member-member dikala malam exam menjelang tiba. So, komuniti ni dapat la realize impian mereka nak buat game DotA yang lagi sempurna mengikut idea asal mereka dengan dibantu team developers yang expert daripada Valve. So far, game ni still in development, so, maybe next year baru release. Harap-harap la...
Sebelum dilupakan, bagi sesiapa yang tak tau DotA tu apa, it's an addictive Action Role-Playing Game (RPG). Boleh dimainkan solo lawan AI atau main dengan kawan-kawan seperjuangan. Game ni lebih kurang macam ni. First, kita select sorang hero. Hero tu diklasifikasikan kepada 3 kelas. First, Strength. Hero ni specialty dia nyawa panjang. Ergo, susah nak mati. Secondly, Agility. Hero ni laju dengan armor rating dia tinggi. Sesuai untuk beginners. Lastly, kita ada Intelligence. Hero ni focus on magic. Dah pilih, beli la weapon ka, armor ka, apa-apa yang dapat membantu anda untuk mencapai objektif anda iaitu musnahkan symbol of power kat base enemy lawan. Anda akan dibantu oleh a steady flow of soldiers or called as creeps. Use them wisely. So, basically game ni main macam ni la. One team trying to destroy the opposing one. And what makes this game good adalah sistem levelling dengan beli barang dengan gunakan your hard earned cash by killing creeps and enemy heroes (the other players. Maximum 5 for each side). Nak lagi detail pi
What's new in DotA 2? Dengar kata voice acting improve. Certain characters ada history masing-masing sesama mereka, so, bila mereka bertembung kat battlefield, mereka ada unique chit-chat among them. I read it somewhere. Tak ingat. HAHA. So, to satiate your hunger, here's the pictures of 4 of your favorites heroes released so far.
Don't get too close to Bloodseeker or die running! |
Drow Ranger FTW! |
Lina Inverse a.k.a. Slayer. One of the best Intel hero in my opinion. |
Morphling = Adapt or die. You know what I meant, DotArds. |
Source : Official
DotA 2 blog
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