Thursday, December 09, 2010


I think imma make video game reviews or movie reviews...Let us hope it did happen....Or else this blog was not worth my time and space in Google server...So, stay tuned..If there's people read this piece of junk in the first place that is... Or this blog shall rot and decay like leaves in the ground. Forgotten.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Cashing Out

Lat tali lat Old Town!

Sapa xpernah tengok iklan Old Town ni kan..Lagipun, semua tempat ada Old Town sekarang. Cuma sekarang, satu persoalan...

Ada orang kata, Old Town xhalal. Sejauh mana kebenaran tu aku xtaw. Kalau betul xhalal, macamana leh buat iklan gempak2 kan? Merata ada iklan. Xkan kerajaan xamik peduli kot? Tu je la persoalan yang timbul setiap kali nampak iklan Old Town kat TV or surat khabar mahupun radio. Jadi..Halal ke x? U tell me.

PS -

Congratulations to you, I guess
What else can I say?
You're right I'm amazed you show up ten years too late
You sure as hell won't stay

Monday, December 06, 2010


I had made a major modification to the blog's layout and if you did notice, the URL was also changed. Aha, and I hereby promoting my Network Security classmates newest blog, FreakTerus! Go ahead and drop some comments people!

Here is the link! FreakTerus!

PS - Let's all sing the tune, A declaration of the truth, and let's all scream the song, the melody to our call of arms

Monday, September 27, 2010


no words shall be uttered...obvious phailure is a phailure...

kredit :

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I just don’t get it....

Sekarang ni kecoh dengan isu kes bunuh Dato Sosilawati. And my mum said that “Datuk” paid his minions RM 2500-RM 5000 to execute the murder.

Well, what a cheap payment for a kill man. In movies, koman-koman assassins ambil dalam $1 million. That’s right kids. 1 million. In Dollars. I think the price is that high because to compensate for the risks they take. For one, the risk of getting caught. Number two, the risk of planning and executing the plan. Number three, the equipment and expenses costs. So, usually that high.
Why so cheap for this case? Is it “ I love my boss. I don’t care how much he pays me. I want to work for him all my entire life! This is awesome.” or something like that. If the information is correct la...Kalau salah jangan marah la no!

Lagi satu..Kalau main bowling la kan.Pin belah kanan, tinggal hujung. Ada sorang mat ni pulak terer main swing/hook. Tapi, awat dia pi swing dari kanan masuk kiri. Pin belah kanan, hujung ja yang tinggal woi!!!! Aku serius tak paham apa yang beliau cuba lakukan. Confirm la tak kena. Adess.. Explain pl0x!

Lastly, why the baby pics as profile picture? Expain yourself...Nuff said

P.S. - You can't be too careful anymore. When all that is waiting for you. Won't come any closer. You've got to reach a little more. More. More

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Like Heaven and Earth You Two

And again, lost in the middle,
Of something more,
But heck,
You're the one who wants that.

I chose this path,
I alone,
No one else,
Asked me to do it.

I will walk,
I walk on this path,
Even my heart said "STOP".
"You're not on par."
"Like heaven and earth you two."

But I keep on going,
I keep on threading this path,
Because I hope,
There will be light at the end,
I hope for happiness,
I hope for mercy,
I hope for forgiveness,
I hope for salvation,
In this world and the next,
The guidance to light.

Maybe I am wrong after all,
Maybe we won't be meeting,
At the end of the paths,
Maybe we're not meant to be.

That's just me,
By each day,
Time passes by,
I hate it,
It will came true,
We won't be meeting at the end of the paths.



Assalamualaikum. Salam Ramadan.

Entry ini ditulis kerana Aamir, Aqharie, Obefiend dengan Nami “Holden Caulfield” telah menulis entry di blog mereka tentang muzik. Jadi, dengan rasa tidak bersalahnya, saya pun ingin join the fray. Hehe..

So, aku nak share (walaupun takda sapa yang nak baca pun blog ntah apa-apa ni) sejarah aku mengenal dan mendengar muzik. (Rasa pelik lak tulis dalam full form. No shorties? Dem...)

As the story goes, aku dulu layan pop...Boyband..haha..N’sync, Backstreet Boys, 5ive. Tu memang selalu layan la..Takpun lagu-lagu yang depa duk tayang kat NTV7 di awal penubuhan stesen tu. Time tu tak layan lagi lagu rock habaq hang. Mix FM pun boleh layan kot. Tambah pulak ada Savage Garden lak..pergh...(T.T)..tangkap leleh..Tapi kalau my memories serve me correct, pernah gak kot terdengaq Deep Purple dengan Scorpion somewhere in 1995-1996...Hm....

Then...Era Linkin Park menguasai arena muzik budak-budak kat Malaysia ni..kalau tak salah awal tahun 2002-2003 kot...dengan videoclips depa, terBAEK kot...

Masuk saja tahun 2004, aku berkenalan dengan mamat Jepun bernama Fizi ngan lelaki tinggi lampai nama Muhsin. Depa la yang korupkan aku dengan lagu-lagu yang aku layan daripada tahun tu sampai sekarang. Tapi aku solely blame Fizi la..pasal dia heavy contributor. Source pun tak berapa nak ada time ni pasal Muhsin ada policy “Don’t Tell”. So, kena secrecy, tak boleh main dengaq lagu-lagu daripada The Used, Finch, Funeral For A Friend, Alexisonfire and et cetera secara loudspeaker. Harom.... Lama gak policy 2 bertahan. Sampai ujung tahun 2006 kot..HA HA.

Then Muhsin pun malas nak amik pot. Dia biaq. Tapi lama-lama aku paham la pasai pa dia gunakan policy tu.. Tak dilupakan kepada Faiz, Maqam, Aqharie, Amar, Ammar, Aamir for the other source.. Ye la. Time ni aku takdak internet lagi kat umah..Nak download pun kena download kat cybercafe ja pn. Gila oldskool habaq mai.

So, aku stick to the Rock genre sampai sekarang. Mainly Post-Hardcore. Bagi aku PH adalah satu genre music yang ada banyak voice. Melodic or clean dengan distorted / screaming campur dengan arrangement music yang rangup. Cukup untuk buat aku rasa raging ngan semangat. Even lagu slow depa pn best. Even parents aku tak suka aku dengaq lagu-lagu camni...Tapi this is my music..

And aku jugak dengaq some J-pop and J-rock (pasai anime kan ada opening ngan ending, sedap kot lagu-lagu yang aku tak paham dia nyanyi apa, tapi irama dia best) and Girls Generation (must..not....fap....must.....not....aku taw depa plastik, tapi i dun mind..oh....). HO HO..

How about other genre? Yang lain boleh pergi mati. Aku cukup-cukup anti dengan Hip-Hop, R&B. And aku memang agak anti dengan lagu-lagu yang menjadi ikutan ramai budak-budak sekarang. Meaning lagu yang duk ada kat TV ngan radio. Maybe ni disebabkan aku suka scene underground, lagu yang orang xpenah or jarang sangat dengaq. Memang halwa telinga aku disapproves this kind of music.

And now, paling aku tak suka dengan si Bieber tu. Tau la lagu dia catchy, tapi sampai idolize? Please..Dari pemerhatian aku la, perempuan zaman sekarang cukup suka dengan lelaki muka jambu. Kenapa? Mana imej lelaki gagah dihati mereka? Savagery? Kenapa mesti muka yang ala-ala perempuan ni jugak yang hampa minat? Hampa minat kaum sejenis secara senyap-senyap ka? Hm.. Trend ni dah lama and semakin parah. Muka-muka jantan semua dah tak laku..Dem....Poor guys...

So, that’s my take in the music world. deal with it mafakas

P.S. “This dizzy dreamer and her bleeding little blue boy”

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Stay Away From My Friends

just a quick recap till Tuesday this week:

war reports in Afghanistan were leaked at Wikileaks. Cool story bro!

and i hate that new tudung..always has been. make them face looks round..i prefer the orthodox. orthie for short. please wear them back oh cute girls out there!


P.S. - So baby stay away from my friends, cause I need them to carry me.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Bulletproof Love

fake birthday at facebook = epic.


it is that time people really do give sheet to me.

P.S. - My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

effed up world

Lepas ni Perlis pn nak jadi KL jugak....makanan ngan minuman dah start mahal..dah xrasa ada perbezaan pn antara cost of living kat Perlis ngan KL..the hell? mau lagu ni baik pindah pi KL ja, bak kata Aamir.

Adakah disebabkan harga barangan naik jadi macam ni? aku xpasti lak. mungkin ya mungkin x. tapi mana keseronokan tinggal kat Perlis kalau dah jadi camni?

xkan la pasal kita ada Secret Recipe ngan Perlis Bowl baru jadi camni? apa efek sangat mau ada 2 menatang ni? Secret Recipe 2 bagi aku untuk majlis special ja..jadi bukan stiap ari ada orang nak pi. Bowling alley 2 lak mmg bagus duk ada..boleh beriadah bersama kawan2 dan keluarga.. a great addition 2 this little state.. tapi knapa cost of living makin naik? mengejar keuntungan semata2kah? mau ada MC D ngan cinema pn, apa nak kacau peniaga kecil2, warung? bukannya kita p slalu tempat2 ni...

so what am i trying to say is, kenapa perlu naik cost of living kat Perlis ni? kita bukannya duk KL. duk Perlis ja pn. negeri yang bagi aku dikenali sebagai sebuah negeri yang aman damai dan hijau. kekalkanlah benda2 ni smua. jangan sampai rakyat Perlis rasa macam xdak perbezaan duduk kat sni dan di sana.

P.S. - Take a few steps back and just watch; The sun sets around me everyday

Sunday, May 30, 2010


May 30th, 2010

Assalamualaikum. Just want to write..Perlis is so freaking hot. Like an oven! Just when I thought Perlis will be slightly cooler than Selangor in terms of temperature. Guess I was wrong.

By the way, I haven't started on any of the assignments. Pretty stupid amirite?

Note to you - " Do they even cure you? (Cut me open drug me!) "

This Flesh A Tomb

May 30th 2010 AD

I'm not an avid writer, but I feel like I need to write something. I'm trying to be a blogger but how suck I am in this. Oh.. Feels so noob right now. Need to write

I cannot write anything good. It's not my prime I think. But alas you must try, right?

But, I enjoyed reading others' work. They can write so good and I unexpectedly become his/her follower. Dem! I wish i was that good. But nah, not even close!

So, I dunno what I should write about.. I had my views on several issues. I can share with others. But not through writing. Oh my, guess you're not born with that talent, eh?

Note to you - "And I feel immortal and I want to make you feel the same"

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Life..Has Just Begun

Oh! Motor sudah sampai..Lapar? Barang xcukup? Nak keluar? Xjadi masalah sekarang!